Friday, June 19, 2009

School's Out!

It hardly seems possible that this school year is now over! What a wonderful class we've had! On the students' last day, June 12th, we had the Kindergarten Field Day in the afternoon from 12:30-2:30. (What a way to end the school year!) Of course, our little Kindergarteners had no idea really what "Field Day" was ~ and as we waited in the bleachers on the football field where all the games would be held, little Yoselyn and Viridiana said to me, "I'm scared!" I told them I was scared, too (although mine was because since last year, the heat and I don't get along well at all and I wasn't sure if my body would "hold up" in that heat). But, I assured them that they'd be fine (telling myself the same thing at the same time) and they would have fun! So, as the games began, our class went to the first site and played a really neat game with a large, colorful parachute. And, from that point on, they suddenly realized, "Yes, this IS fun!" Watching them play the many games, especially the sack race, and enjoy themselves reminded me too of how often something unfamiliar to us can scare us. How many opportunities for joy just pass us by because of feelings that tell us it's too scary or we focus on the what if's. We really need to enjoy each moment of every day we're given ~ just like what I saw so vividly captured on the faces of the children that day.

So, here's to children ~
to their honesty and their willingness to try something new.
May we embrace life as wholeheartedly as they do!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

So, here's the lesson..

Today the 5th grade students who did not pass the first administration of the EOG Science test had to retake it. It's a very long test - and my job was to proctor, which means I get to walk around the room for about 3 hours as they are taking the test. They were all working very hard and I thought about how tough it must be to retake this test. (The first administration of the test was less than two weeks ago!) So, here's the "lesson" that came to me about my resident rabbits.

The lesson I learn from the rabbits
Is really quite simple and plain,
Whatever the task before us -
Keep trying again and again!

(Who knows - One day you may succeed!) Here's to great success to all our students who have to take EOG's again!!!!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

And then there were 2!

To anyone who might be concerned about the our resident, I never did make rabbit stew. My mom suggested that I put some crushed red pepper around and on the flowers to keep him from eating them. So, I did. That really seemed to help. But, this morning as I was getting in my car to head to work, I saw another rabbit had joined our animal farm - and now the two of them were hopping out of the side flower bed. It makes me think of a great children's book called Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! by Candance Fleming. Rabbits are definitely determined little critters. Maybe there's a lesson we all can learn here... (to be continued)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pansies and Rabbits

I love flowers! In the winter, my sister (she's my secret gardener) planted the most beautiful pansies in my yard. I could hardly wait to see them grow and bloom. Days passed - and I was very faithful to water them with Miracle Grow whenever needed. But, they just seemed to stay small with very few blossoms. It was as if once a blossom appeared, in a few days it was gone. I had not had this problem in the past and wondered why my little pansies remained as little pansies. The answer to this puzzle became clear the night I pulled into the driveway and saw a rabbit running away from my flowers! Now, I'm not opposed to helping out any little forest critter, but I do not want him to eat my flowers. Soon it became apparent that Roy and I had a resident rabbit - and his main menu was my flowers. Nothing seemed to deter his appetite. One day, at school, the children were talking about those cute little furry animals like the rabbit. I told them about the resident rabbit at our house and I said:

I like rabbits,
I really do.
But if he keeps eating my pansies,
I'll make me some rabbit stew!

When spring came, finally the pansies started to grow a little more. In May they have been beautiful. Now spring is almost over - and the weather is getting hotter - and summer is coming. The other day I came home to discover that my "secret gardener" had returned and planted the most beautiful summer flowers. (She did leave a couple of pansies just to enjoy for as long as they can last.) We've had some wonderful afternoon rain showers and the flowers are doing beautifully. The children at school asked me the other day about my rabbit - but I just smiled and didn't say a word! However, the other morning I saw a chipmunk on the back porch!!! Hmmmmm.........

Monday, February 9, 2009

Coffee Pots

It started out like an ordinary Monday morning - getting up and heading to the kitchen to make the coffee. I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but Roy loves his daily morning cup of coffee. So, I put in the coffee, added the water, and turned on the coffee pot. The light came on - the coffee pot sat motionless ~ no water stirring and no coffee brewing! I turned it off, unplugged the cord, looked at the pot, saw nothing wrong, replugged it, turned it back on....but still nothing happened. This made me think .... hmm, the coffee pot had decided it's given all the coffee it has to give. So, Roy drank orange juice this morning. After school I went to Kohl's to check on coffee pots. My goodness! So many elaborate kinds!! All I wanted was just a basic coffee pot - and the best price I could find was $26. Too much $. So, I went to Target and there I found it - a 12 cup, no nonsense, no frills coffee pot AND on sale for $7.99!! Now that's my kind of coffee pot. Roy was happy - it's coffee in the morning again. The conclusion?

There are coffee pots of all shapes and sizes,
With so many things that they now can do,
But the one that I choose is the one that's just basic -
All Roy needs is a cup of his favorite "brew".

Sunday, February 8, 2009

February Favorites

And so, the question is, where did January go?!! Already it is February and I've decided that this is my favorite month of the year. It begins with Groundhog's Day (which also happens to be my birthday!), and continues with so many other celebrations throughout this month. There's Valentine's Day (love is in the air) and Presidents' Day (a time to be grateful that our nation had George Washington and Abraham Lincoln to lead our country - both making great personal sacrifices). But, more than anything else, I have decided that this is my favorite month because the focus is on others. On Friday our students made their Valentine bags and decorated them so that we'd be ready this week to "give and receive" our Valentines. Watching these kindergarten children decorate these little, white lunch bags was so much fun! It just doesn't take much to please these little ones - some stickers and colors and valentine stamps. Sometimes we all get too caught up in the big gifts when all we really need to do is focus on finding others to reach out to and show love to every day. Let's take a lesson from these children!

February is full of valentine's and love,
There may even be some snow coming down from above! (how about that 18 degree weather last week and beautiful snow)
There are groundhogs and birthdays and Presidents, too -
(And it helps us to know that winter's half way through..)
But the greatest of all we need to remember
Is that love's a gift that we should always continue
To show each day, with each passing mile,
For the heart that loves makes a heart that smiles!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Piggy Banks

I went to the post office the other day to send a package to my brother in South Carolina. We had been talking recently about piggy banks - he was looking for one - and I happened to find one that a friend's grandson no longer used. So, I decided to surprise him and mail it to him. Of course, when you mail any package these days, there's always the standard questions asked by the postal worker re: the contents. No, the package did not contain any hazardous materials, explosives, illegal drugs, etc. Finally, I just said, "It's just a little plastic piggy bank." No need to heavily insure it!! However, the more I thought about it, especially after going on my daily walk, I decided EVERYONE needs a piggy bank these days. And here's why:

Save those pennies, nickels, and dimes -
They can add up over time.
With all the bailouts today
I think the piggy's the safest way
To have some money for a
"rainy day"!